Here I am! A month since my last post. I know... Such a long time. But I AM back.
Nothing much has happened, really. I have been minding the apartment, reading, and what not. The one momentous thing that did occur was getting to Skype with my sisters, parents, niece, grandma, uncle and brother in-law all at once!
The first Skype session was with just my sisters, parents, brother and niece. Which was amazing. And I cried. All because of that little booger but of a niece of mine came right up to the computer screen and said "I love you Titi Kitty." It was the first time she had said that to me, ever. So it was rather emotional for me, since I had gone from being with her nearly every day up until her first birthday, to being cut off cold turkey. Not having seen her since. Which measures a year. Rough! Really rough.
The second session, my maternal grandmother who we all dearly call G Ha, and my uncle, James, who is younger than I am (We call him Bubsy), joined the fun. It was a relaxed session of a few laughs and many smiles. With my silly little niece dancing around and talking about her new fascination, spiders. Ick. Haha. I wish Chris and I could have been there with my spectacularly misguided, jumbled, hilarious, but loving family.
This week I found out that someone I use to be close to my senior year is expecting. I am rather excited for her and her husband to bring a little blessing into the world. But that got me curious. The number of people I know who have babies or are pregnant is steadily, or really not so steadily, rising. So I counted. A whole whopping 41 girls!
A month ago, I was writing about baby fever, and being jealous of those girls, but I have found myself not so anymore. I am happy for them, especially the ones I was close to. So much so that I look online for baby shower gift ideas. That's kind of tricky, though, since I don't know genders yet!! It is nice to be happy now, instead of jealous and hurt. I found peace, through lots of praying, knowing that I will have what they all have sooner or later. It's all up to the big G, well, and Christopher, too. Ha! As for the baby fever, it is still here, but I can control it somewhat now.
Anyhow, that, folks, is all I have to say for now. Until next time.