"We're so lovey for a married couple." -Christopher
Today, we slept in until 1. Well, not sleeping in truly, as we were up until nearly 5 a.m. watching movies. It was nice, we laid cuddling for a while after waking up. I love cuddling. So much that I get really mopey if I don't get cuddles. El Chris says it's my energy source. Pretty much. I don't eat a lot, and I'm really skinny, so I think I need more cuddles. Haha.
Anyways, after cuddling we decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I was getting dressed when my lovely honey reached into his closet saying "you know what. I wonder if this fits you." He then handed me his beloved Avengers shirt. Now, many of you don't know this, but my husband is a huge nerd. He loves the Avengers, so him giving me this shirt actually meant a lot to me. And I look pretty, nerdishly sexy in it, if I do say so myself.
I was looking around for my bra, and went to reach for it when Mr.FlyingSpiderMonkey comes out of no where and snatches it up. He then proceded to run around the room and over the bed multiple times keeping it from me. Finally, I was on the bed, an advantage, and he was cornered, or so I thought.
So I jumped off the bed onto him. And low and behold, he doesn't have my bra anymore. I'm frantically searching behind him, and yes, in the back of his pants for it. He is laughing at my confused looks, and efforts to find where he hid it. Telling me he is Houdini. And then I realized that he probably threw it over my head when I jumped on him. There it was on the bed. We both dashed, and ended up wrestling for it, for a few minutes.
I loved it. Moments like those, where we are totally ourselves and carefree make this life wonderful. I'm lucky to have married a playful and loving soul. And I hope we are still like this fifty or more years from now.
Cuteness! :)
PS - I tagged you for a Liebster Blog Award, if you're down. Details here: http://www.livewellandbreathe.com/2013/02/in-meantime-liebster-blog-award.html